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Creative Machines featured in Bright 2!
Today is the release of Bright 2, a book by Frame Publications featuring Architectural Illumination and Light Installations. Bright 2...

New Ball Machine for Belgium Pass Museum
We have been commissioned to create a new ball machine, Le Reve de Newton, for the Pass, a children’s science museum in Belgium! Le Reve...

On Display Fabrication
We are currently working on the fabrication of On Display! This work will feature 3 glowing enclosures made out of stainless steel and...

In Dark Waters was a huge success at the Spark! Festival
Last week, our new temporary artwork shaped like a giant angler fish traveled to Mesa, Arizona for the Spark! Festival for Creativity....

Brilliance has been featured on Professional Lighting Design!
Brilliance has been featured on Professional Lighting Design! #gallery-2 { margin: auto; } #gallery-2 .gallery-item {...

Dark Waters visits SPARK!
Recently, we have been researching and testing out a lot of new materials and modes of construction for our pieces. We are looking for...

El Bosque is Complete!
This week, Kim Kwasney, Lucas Conrad and Wolfgang Devine from Creative Machines travelled to San Antonio, TX to install our new...

George Rhoads Wikipedia
We recently put together a wikipedia featuring information about George Rhoads’ early life and the history of his ball machines! Check...

Re-Launch of
We just re-launched a new website for George Rhoads! George Rhoads was one of the leading pioneers for audiokinetic sculptures with his...

Shipping El Bosque to San Antonio
Today we loaded the truck with our newly completed sculpture, El Bosque, that will be traveling to San Antonio, TX. #gallery-4 {...

Fabricating El Bosque
We are currently working on the new sculpture for the District 9 Encino Branch Library in San Antonio, Texas. Hurricane of Words is...

Visiting the Thinkery
It has officially been a year since we installed many of our exhibits at the Thinkery, the New Austin Children’s Museum! In late 2013, we...
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